Get the most from your shopping experience and unlock all the best deals by becoming a Preferred Shopper. See all of today’s special sales, discounts, limited time offers and exclusive in-store events below!

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Christmas Tree Hill

Free 6 pack of Christmas Tree Hill candle wax melts with a purchase of $20 or more
Limit one. SKU #673028

Direct Tools Factory Outlet – NOW LOCATED IN SUITE 716!

20% off one item
Some exclusions may apply. One offer per customer per day.

Eagles Pro Shop

20% off your entire purchase.
Cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts. Some exclusions may apply. Valid only at The Shops @ Rockvale location.

Lee | Wrangler – NOW LOCATED IN SUITE 705!

25% off off one regular priced item. 
Excludes Wrangler Retro.

Loft Outlet

15% off purchase of $75 or more. 



20% off one regular priced item.

Orvis Outlet – NOW LOCATED IN SUITE 902!

Take $10.00 off ONE Men’s or Women’s Apparel Item or Dog Item, priced at $49.00 or more.
One offer per customer per day. Valid at Lancaster Outlet in-store items only. Some exclusions may apply. See associate for details.


Pepperidge Farm Bakery Outlet – NOW LOCATED IN SUITE 1718

Free 6.6 oz. bag of Goldfish with a $10 or more purchase.

Pinspiration – NOW OPEN!!

$5.00 off One Craft
Some exclusions may apply. One offer per customer per day.


Reading China & Glass

$5 off your purchase of $50 or more.
Some Exclusions may apply. See store for further details. One offer per customer.